Promotion of

The Light Language Summit

I was honored to be included in the interviews of this important online summit


The Light Language Summit - Exploring the Linguistics of Cosmic Consciousness

We are excited to invite you to Join Us! for a series of round-table discussions, with phenomenal and visionary Speakers, who will be sharing their personal journey and expertise with the use of Light Language. This is an intimate chat in which each Speaker will share their understanding of Light Language, a bit of their background story, evolutionary process, and provide you with a unique and immersive experience of how they utilize Light Language within their life and practice. 

Through this offering, we desire the Light Language Summit to present humanity with the opportunity to more widely acknowledge and understand this global phenomenon, and to normalize and erase the fear that often accompanies the lack of understanding, regarding this form of multidimensional expression.

Save the Date... August 15 - August 18, 2024!

For more information and to Register for this phenomenal event, please visit 
