March 21-30, 2025

AT THE House Along the River

6701 Bayside Court, GRANBURY, TEXAS

We open March 21st with the three-day immersion into the teachings, activations, and expansions into the Language of Light and Sound with Patricia Walls and Sharon Varner. ($444.44).  You can register for just this portion of the event HERE 

As a note, this is the last time that I will offer this 3-day event at $444.  Future 3-day immersion weekends will be listed at $777

Whether you are just coming into the awareness and wanting to learn, or you have been on this path of enlightenment and empowerment for a long time, you will come away with new tools, new innerstandings, higher vibrational awareness and new community.  The overall purpose of this gathering is to provide a safe space to share, learn and experience with each other.  

Through meditations, experiential journeys, sound healing, vibrational alignments, star earth knowledge, and Language of Light we will tap into the legacy of ancestral origin and knowledge. It will introduce you to ways of growing, expanding, loving and the miracles of divine right knowing.  

This three-day immersion is structured to prepare you for the sound healer immersion that follows.

March 24th Opens the five days of Sound Healer Training and Certification with Sharon Varner and Summer Dawn, both highly trained and respected sound healing professionals. ($1,111).

March 28th flows into the Primus Activation Healing training and Crystal Reiki Attunements with Summer Dawn.  ($777.00)  Primus Activation Healing works with the body's own healing mechanisms to support healing on all levels. During this training Summer will also attune you to the Open Hearts Crystal Reiki Ascension Frequencies and symbols to boost your ability to  become a crystal clear divine channel for love and light.

We know some of you are looking for an itinerary, and if you know us, you know we don't work that way. We work with Source and the energy of...

The event center is air conditioned and has a large gathering space, kitchen and dining area.  The grounds are perfectly landscaped.  Overnight accommodations are limited to the first 10 to register.  There is the possibility of other accommodations for those who come from out of town or unable to drive back and forth. We start at 9am and end at 10.  Food is included in your investment. 

You can register for any of the three events separately or register for all 10 days.  There is an installment payment available. 

We understand that some may have time and financial constraints.  For this reason, it is possible to register for one or the other portions of the 10 days.   See options below: 

Separate payment for the Sound Healing and/or Primus Activation events can be made through:
Venmo @Priestess-Summer-Dawn
Zelle at 817-559-3333

Separate Payment for the Light Language Immersion can be made through HERE